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Do You Have to Buy Final Fantasy 14 Again if You Forgot You Account

So, you lot desire to get back into Final Fantasy 14?

Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker
(Image credit: Foursquare Enix)

With over xx one thousand thousand players, Final Fantasy XIV is carmine hot right now, but with ten years of history, a consummate redo, and iii major expansions under its shiny helm, information technology'south also a formidable undertaking to crack into. Where do you start? And if you tried information technology a while agone and want to come back, how practice you grab upwardly? Here'southward everything you need to know about starting and returning to Final Fantasy Fourteen in 2021.

Getting started with, or back into, FFXIV

If this is your first time playing and yous're a little unsure about investing in a monthly subscription, and so you're in luck: There'south an extremely generous free trial. Covering both the base of operations game and the start expansion (Heavensward), information technology'southward basically the equivalent of ii massive JRPGs dorsum to dorsum. There are a couple of caveats (you lot tin't participate in the market system or join guilds, or Free Companies), but this is the best fashion to start. If you decide you lot desire to go along then buy yourself a copy of Shadowbringers (the latest expansion) as it volition include all of the expansions with it.

Returning players will demand to re-subscribe and take hold of a copy of Shadowbringers to proceeds access to everything, even if y'all didn't finish A Realm Reborn or Heavensward. Unfortunately you tin't go dorsum to the free trial if you've already owned information technology at some point. You lot'd accept to first a split up account to access the trial and commencement anew.

But in that location are bonuses for returning if information technology's been a while and you've forgotten everything: Y'all'll get access to the novice network and an EXP heave if you buddy up with a mentor. You'll also get a trivial flower symbol by your proper name so other players are enlightened that yous've been gone a while and may non be completely upwardly-to-appointment yet. FFXIV also runs frequent thespian Callback Campaigns that let you play for gratuitous for a prepare amount of time. If you simply want to dip your toe in for a bit, look out for those.

If you're a newbie or a returning histrion, merely follow the principal story quest markers (they look like a flaming meteor) and you'll be in for an amazing time. You should too look out for blue quest icons that have a niggling plus next to them—these are quests that unlock new side content such as dungeons and new Jobs.

How to meet other players

In role player-run Gratis Companies you tin play aslope other Warriors of Light and chat while you play. Information technology's pretty easy to find one and you'll no uncertainty be invited to 1 presently enough if you hang out in any principal city.

If yous don't discover anyone to play with direct away, don't panic, as there are loads of means to detect groups. FFXIV has an amazing automatic party-matching system for all primary content, so all you demand to do is queue and a group will be found for yous. For more than specific or late-game quests you tin employ the 'Party Finder' tool that lets you input details for what you're looking for and so the whole data center to see. You tin can also discover Link Shells, which are group chats that people from multiple servers and Free Companies tin join.

Want to play the game solo like a traditional Concluding Fantasy game? You lot can mostly practise that, but y'all will need to be in groups to run story dungeons. That said, since the matchmaking is automatic, you don't have to socialise with anyone if you don't want to.

(Epitome credit: Foursquare Enix)

Catching upward with the story, wherever you lot left it

Demand a mitt figuring out the story so far? FFXIV isn't similar other MMOs in that expansion areas are locked behind story completion, so you'll have to complete each bit in plow. It'll exist worth information technology, but may demand clear your calendar to ready for Endwalker, depending on where you left off. There are spoilers alee, so only read up to the point that's relevant to y'all.

I'k virtually to outset for the kickoff time

The offset iteration of FFXIV was famously such a disaster that they dropped a moon on the world to restart it. While not much of the previous game exists any more, there are a couple of handy world-building bits from the 'before times' that are worth knowing for context.

That dropped moon? It secretly contained Bahamut—a behemothic Primal and famous Final Fantasy summon—who laid waste to much of the continent as it was formally known. The citizens of Eorzea are however recovering from that outcome, and rather splintered. You lot are stepping into this wounded earth equally a fresh-faced charlatan.

Admittedly this ageing offset chunk of the game tin be a scrap of a slog—fifty-fifty though information technology's since been shortened—every bit it goes about setting up its diverse story threads, but stick with it. Information technology gets much better. You can use a story skip potion if you desire, merely y'all'll miss out on a lot of world building if you do.

(Epitome credit: Square Enix)

I'm about to kickoff Heavensward (the one with dragons)

This is where things really kick off. After defeating the Garlean Empire'due south Ultima Weapon and discovering they were besides beingness played by shady Ascians, the Garleans have finally been cast out of Eorzea and the three great nations (Gridania, Ul'Dah, and Limsa Lominsa) determine to band together.

But of form, information technology's not that simple: Scared beast tribes started summoning their gods out of fear and manipulation, and a place called Doma in the far eastward has also risen up against the Garlean threat, but failed. This led to a max exodus of refugees to Eorzea. Among the chaos you uncovered a triple-agent, were betrayed by i of your closest allies, and framed for an bump-off effort that tore your little band apart. But, hey, at least you discovered how to permanently kill Ascians.

During all this you were also approached by the nation of Ishgard from the North to assist them with their Dragon and heretics problem, and making friends in the process. Cleaved and cast out after your grouping is pulled apart, you head to Ishgard.

(Image credit: Square Enix)

I'm near to outset Stormblood (the i with the samurais)

Turns out it was humanity's betrayal that started the groovy Dragonsong war and not the Dragons, and that dastardly Pope was keeping it a surreptitious all along in an attempt to gain god-like powers for himself. After a spectacular battle you tin can finally start peace talks with the Dragons and try to undo past wrongs. You also managed to salve your Scion friends forth the style… well, most all of them. Minfillia is sort of ane with Hydaelyn at present—that giant crystal of light that spoke to you at the very commencement of the game.

Y'all also detect 4 strangers calling themselves the Warriors of Darkness who are just as powerful as you are and are defeating Primals before y'all do. Turns out they're from some other dimension that'due south about to be destroyed. They were and so drastic to save information technology they were tricked into coming here. Also, there are actually xiv worlds and the Ascians are trying to destroy each one so they'll merge together. Minfillia is released from the crystal and sent to their world to help them, but who knows how that turned out.

Meanwhile, a resistance group was rising to take back Ala Mhigo, a neighbouring country still occupied by the Garleans. Their leader, The Griffin, intends to violently provoke a war and then Eorzea volition be forced to take action. You unmasked him equally Ilberd— the same guy who betrayed you in the Crystal Braves, but it'southward too late, he'southward used the eyes to transform himself into an even more powerful Dragon Fundamental than Bahamut. Luckily the ancient weapon Omega is lying around so you fire that at it and hope for the best. War with Garlemald is inevitable now. Oh, and it turns out your companion Yda has actually been her sister Lyse the whole time. She took up her mask to continue her legacy.

(Image credit: Square Enix)

I'g virtually to start Shadowbringers (the one with the alternate dimension)

The fight to complimentary Ala Mhigo gets off to a terrible start as you're virtually butchered by the new big bad Zenos. So yous headed off to seek aid from Doma, simply you had to liberate them first, later some fun adventures. After successfully freeing Doma from Garlean rule and becoming buddies with Lord Hien you return to Ala Mhigo to button onwards and fight Zenos once again—though this time he'due south also fused with the dragon, Shinryu. Hating that he's now the weak one he slits his own throat and falls to his apparent expiry.

With both Doma and Ala Mhigo free of Garlean rule, the Empire is thrown into anarchy. And to top it all off, an Ascian wearing Zenos' pare appears. So does some other Ascian called Emet-selch who wears the aforementioned face as the founding father of the Garlean Empire. Expect, the creation of the Empire was an Ascian plot to sow maximum chaos all forth? They start experimenting with a biological weapon called Black Rose that tin impale people instantly.

Helpfully the Scions all outset hearing a strange voice and collapsing into comas at inconvenient times. Yous manage to fight off the Empire and the possessed Zenos long enough for both sides to enter a stalemate. Now you have some time to figure out how to bring your friends back and where this mysterious vocalisation has been coming from...

What'south coming in the futurity?

That's a lot of FFXIV already, but in one case you're finally up to date, yous'll no dubiousness be eagerly anticipating the next chapter. Luckily the next major expansion, Endwalker, is due this Autumn and will exist taking us to face the Garleans straight. It will as well exist the last affiliate in this arc, just don't panic: The game volition exist starting a new one subsequently that. Until then nosotros've got a few patches to await forrad to to prime us before Endwalker arrives that will go along the story and add the last chapter of the Nier tie-in raid serial.

(Paradigm credit: Foursquare Enix)

Other things you demand to know (smaller, but all the same important, tips)

Re-classify retired deportment

If it's been a while since you concluding played, it's likely that the boxing arrangement has inverse slightly since you left and some of the actions on your hotbars will be greyed out. A lot of old actions have been cutting over the years to prevent bloat, and so yous might need to allocate them again. To do so go to the character drop down menu and look for 'Actions and Traits—you'll find all of your actions there. While you're at it be sure to add the 'Limit Suspension' action to your hotbar. Information technology'southward hidden under the 'General' tab in Deportment and Traits.

Playing with a controller is perfectly viable

If you lot want to sit down back and relax a bit, you can totally fit everything onto a controller by playing with your hotbars. Become to System > Character Configuration > Hotbar settings > Custom and then select 'Enable customization when weapon is sheathed' and 'Enable customisation when weapon is drawn' so you don't accept to faff around with besides many hotbars in the center of a fight.


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